Tuesday, October 21, 2014

You're "NEW" Dark Elf race isn't new.


We've seen "new" interpretations of dark elves, paladins, anti-paladins, rangers, ninjas, necromancers, barbarians, catgirls and other furry bullshit, pirates, witches, along with new stats like luck, sanity, attractiveness, etc, etc, etc.... since the freakin' 70s.

It's all been done.

You aren't innovative.

All your shit looks like someone else's take on the same subject that has been put forth 10 or more years ago in The Dragon, White Dwarf, USENET posts, netbooks, forums, blogs, G+ threads, retroclones, "zines', you name it.

Just because you slap an OSR logo on it, doesn't make it "NEW".
Yes, I know.  I'm not being "positive and uplifting".   You aren't being creative, either.

Call the Whaaaaaambulance, because I don't care.

And hell no, I haven't published anything ground breaking.  You know why?  Because I know all this stuff has been done before, and I'm not any more creative than anyone else, but I don't have the over inflated sense of self-esteem that makes me think my ideas are "new".